The focus of this page is to share with you how the Lord has spoken to me through horse parables. I spent my early childhood believing in a God, I had a savior and knew where I was going when I died. However, I never really heard His voice until I received a sickness in high school that would totally change my life. After receiving this sickness I not only needed a savior for eternity when I died, but I needed a savior to save my mind, body and emotions that were affected negatively on a daily basis. It was through this desperation and need of a new reality on earth that I learned to press into a new reality in heaven. “The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presses into it” (Luke 16:16). Over the last 14 years the Lord has been teaching me the pattern of The Tabernacle using horse parables and breaking down what it means to be “in the Spirit” and “in the flesh” and where sickness comes from and where healing comes from.
What I plan on sharing on this page is not meant to be “preachy” or even a teaching trying to persuade people one way or another especially on such a touchy subject as healing. I am just going to share what I have experienced on a 14-year journey wanting, believing, and searching through scriptures to be totally healed and freed from any sickness or disease that would prevent me from walking in the reality that Jesus said was available through His precious blood.
The Lord has taught me many things through the years, but probably the most life changing teaching has been where the Lord asks me 2 questions on a daily basis: “Who am I?” and “What is driving my actions?” How I answer these 2 questions determines the reality that I will walk in, on any given day. This is not just something I have learned in Church and believe to be true, this has come through seeking God whole-heartedly for 14 years; trying to find a new reality free from sickness, where I could just be “normal” (This is an interesting question: What does it mean to be normal? If we profess to be a Christian what does it mean to be a “normal” player in God’s kingdom and walking in the reality He promised through scriptures as the Holy Spirit carries out His will in and through us?).
When I am “in Him” and resting in my identity as a child of God, being influenced by God’s word and the leading of the Holy Spirit, I feel great. However, when I fall into my self-preservation (orphan mentality) and get to seeking my identity in the realm of the world, the realm of religion, or even the realm of ministry (what God has called me to do), I feel the effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in my body and soul (mind, will, and emotions) and I have a great deal of trouble functioning throughout the day.
I will also be referring to a diagram of The Tabernacle as I go through what the Lord has taught me in training horses “according to the pattern” God gave to Moses. Following the pattern of The Tabernacle into the Holy of Holies is not only a guide He has given me in training horses, but a guide to operate from a place of freedom in my body and soul (mind, will, and emotions) resting in the Spirit. “Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, says he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount” (Hebrews 8:5). On this page I will be sharing my relationship with my Lord and how the Lord has spoken and continues to speak to me through horse parables and how these parables have expanded over 14 years into a ministry teaching on the pattern of The Tabernacle.